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UK Timeframe

UK Delivery Options

Shipping Delivery Method & Delivery TimesCostRegion
Economy Delivery
Standard delivery Between 2-5 working daysFREEUK
Fast & Tracked
Fast & Tracked 1 to 5 items

Delivery within 1-3 working days. Delivery Monday-Friday only. Excluding bank holidays.

Fast & Tracked
Fast & Tracked 6+ items

Delivery within 1-3 working days. Delivery Monday-Friday only. Excluding bank holidays.


New Books

As we work with third party suppliers, some of our new books have slightly longer than usual lead times, and as such it may take an additional 5-7 days above our typical delivery timeframes for us to get it to you, regardless of delivery method chosen at checkout.

Please note: parts of your order may be sent out from different warehouses, meaning if you order multiple items, they could come in different packages. This also applies to any orders with Old & Rare books or Vinyl, as they are handled from a separate warehouse to our books, DVDs & CDs.